Place and date of the Graduation Ceremony

Place and time of the Gradution Ceremony

The Graduation Ceremony will take place on October 25th, 2024  at 6.00 p.m. in Tadeusz Ocioszyński Auditorium (Aula "O") at the Faculty of Economics in Sopot.

Graduation Ceremony Program
16.30-17.50 Arrival of the Graduates, purchase of a cap and hiring of an academic gown

18.00-19.30 Graduation Ceremony 2024

Official opening and welcoming guests
Speech by the Rector Authorities of the University of Gdansk
Speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk
Distinction of the Best of the Year and Best of Specialisation Graduates
Awards for the Graduates for their outstanding activities for the benefit of the academic community
Speech of the Graduates’ Representatives
Presenting diplomas to Graduates
Ending of the official part of the Ceremony
Joint photo of the Graduates

Auditorium “O” will be divided into specially marked sectors. Please take places according to the marking.

Formalities in the Dean's office

The participation in the Graduation Ceremony is limited to Graduates who:

  • passed the Master examination,
  • registered until 07.10.2024,
  • have completed all formalities related to the preparation and issuing of a diploma in the Dean's Office,
  • delivered the diploma to the Dean's Office (the original will be presented at the Gala).

For details please contact your Dean's Office.

Purchase of caps and hiring of gowns

All Graduates who register by 07.10.2024 and declare  their willingness to participate in the Graduation Ceremony will have the opportunity to buy an academic cap and hire a gown.

The electronic registration form is available after logging in via the email address in the student domain of the University of Gdańsk:

Registration link: