Graduation Ceremony 2024

The Graduation Ceremony will be held on October 25th, 2024.

Dear Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Getting an academic degree is a special moment for all Graduates. The Graduation Ceremony is a unique event during which you will have the chance to see your Professors and Colleagues again, wearing gowns and academic caps.

I hope this will be a nice memento associated with your studies. This moment ends one of the most wonderful times in your life, the time when you acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies and made lifelong friendships.

We hope it will be your foundation and source of life-long support. We would like you to return to the Faculty of Economics both in your memories and in the future as practitioners, cooperating and sharing their experiences with the younger generation.

Organizational information

Dr hab. Wojciech Bizon, prof. UG
Dean of the Faculty of Economics