You are most welcome to participate in the series of Open Economic Lectures in the academic year 2023/2024 conducted in the online formula at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk.
This is already the eighth edition of the lectures, the previous editions have already been attended by more than 2,500 people, and have already been conducted by 40 lecturers.
Another extremely interesting edition is just ahead!
The lectures of economic content and popular science nature are aimed at increasing the economic awareness of young Poles, as well as deepening knowledge of economic issues, including assistance in preparing for Olympiads and subject competitions.
The lectures can also provide valuable assistance to teachers and interesting material for young people.
The content of the lectures is consistent with the requirements of the curriculum of the subjects "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" and "Business and Management".
The lectures are held on selected Tuesdays from 17:30 to 19:00.
Subsequent lectures will be held every 2 weeks. The dates of the next lectures in the summer semester are: 28.05.2024
We encourage you strongly to participate!
The next lecture will be held on 28.05.2024.
The lecture entitled ”From fridge to net, or logistics in theory and practice”
will be Associate Professor Leszek Reszka, Department of Logistics
Moderator: Associate Professor Leszek Czerwonka
Logistics is commonly associated with the activities of large companies, usually transport companies or the military sphere. The truth, however, is that each of us in our daily or professional lives becomes, to a certain extent, a logistician. Why is this so? What makes logistics essential not only to the functioning of large enterprises, but also to every household?
Information on participation in the Open Economic Lectures can also be obtained at the following email address:
More about the Open Economic Lectures also at:
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