Diaries ...
In the spring of 2020, students of the Faculty of Economics were the chroniclers of the pandemic that began especially for all.
Today we are publishing the last diaries that were then written down. We did not know then that the next semester would also be a challenge for the academic community related to studying in a hybrid form, using the opportunities for meetings, seminars, and lectures on-line. Our world has changed ...
So let's go back for a moment to moments ago a few months ago and recall the emotions, images and thoughts that accompanied us at the beginning of the pandemic. Was this how we imagined the scenario for the next months?
We cordially invite you to read the next episodes (no. 21 and 22) and we would like to thank our Students for commemorating this time as a chronicle!
Diary no. 21 (text in Polish)
Diary no. 22 (text in Polish) |
We invite you to follow Facebook of the Faculty of Economics and the WE website ...
And if anyone would like to join with their own memories, please contact: we@ug.edu.pl
#diary #StudentWEUG
#diary #StudentWEUG #studiawpandemii