Case Simulator project is being implemented by the University of Gdansk in partnership with the Pomerania Regional Chamber of Commerce and Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft from Dresden. It is one of the innovative, testing projects, currently implemented by the Voivodeship Labour Office in Gdansk.
The purpose of taken actions is improving skills of building entrepreneurial attitudes among last year students what will strengthen their position on the labour market and contribute to starting their own business more actively.
The planned activities have been divided into 2 stages: preparatory stage and implementation stage.
During the first stage simulation of business processes will be prepared which will be later embedded on educational platform. Simulation will relate to actual problems connected with running business in Poland and will be based on real conditionings typical for the Tricity market. Preparation of case studies has been planned as a supporting tool. If they have been well defined, they will allow to understand more difficult issues and will, in the long term, complete simulation.
In the implementation stage classes for last year students of the University of Gdansk have been planned. At certain faculties special groups will be created and divided into competing teams. Classes will be held during full-time studies under the guidance of experts (case studies analysis and activities improving entrepreneurial skills ) and also remotely (working with simulation embedded in the internet). A contest concerning entrepreneurship will serve as a summary of common work.