Catching the Future is a project implemented under the South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007 – 2013. It is focused on intensifying economic cooperation of mainly micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of southern region of Sweden and northern region of Poland. The project partners are 10 organizations (4 communities from Sweden, 5 communities from northern Poland and the University of Gdansk, responsible for the coordination of activities on Polish side). Under the project the following events took place: 4 international workshops (2 in Poland and 2 in Sweden), 2 one-week visits in order to present the possibilities of business development (one in Poland for Swedish partners and one in Sweden for Polish partners), 10 thematic seminars concerning improving skills and broadening knowledge on foreign trade. E-learning platform containing educational materials for the project members has also been created.
The implementation period of Catching the Future project is July 2009 – December 2012. Total project budget is 1 258 500 EUR.