I. Abstracts
Abstract. The heading Abstract should be typed in bold 9-point Arial. The body of the abstract should be typed in normal 9-point Times in a single paragraph, immediately following the heading. The text should be set to 1 line spacing. The abstract should be centred across the page, indented 17 mm from the left and right page margins and justified. It should not normally exceed 200 words.
Abstracts should be send by e-mail until 31st of January 2018.
Please use following e-mail address: globmar@ug.edu.pl
II. Papers
To the Author(s)
If your abstract has been accepted, you are encouraged to submit full papers before 31st March 2018 to: globmar@ug.edu.pl.
Papers must be written in good English and should clearly state the purpose of the work and include: an introduction, methodology, results and main conclusions. Papers have to be minimum 5 and maximum 10 pages long.
Please use following template to prepare the paper:
Due to formal requirements of index platform we kindly ask all authors and co-authors to download, print, fill out, sign, scan and send to the organizers following statements:
It is crucial for the publishing process.
III. Reviewing process