Member of the Council of the Faculty of Economics
English Language Part-Time Doctoral Studies in Economics Coordinator
Tomasz Bieliński, PhD. is an adjunct professor at the Department of International Business at the Faculty of Economics since 2009. His major scientific interests are micro-mobility, sharing economy, innovation and new technologies. He is an author of 6 scientific articles and 1 market report about bike and scooter sharing systems, and over 40 publications in the field of economics. In 2008, he took part in a project that opened a new factory for the company Lipco in Guangzhou, China. In 2014, he took part as the Chinese Ministry of Education scholar at the Beijing Institute of Technology. On November 19, 2015, he obtained a doctoral degree in economics. In 2016, he took part in the One Road One Belt scientific exchange programme at Shanghai International Studies University. Tomasz Bielinski is a member of the council of the Faculty of Economics since 2019, and coordinator of English Language Part-Time Doctoral Studies in Economics since 2012. He is also a co-worker of the Centre for East Asian Studies of the University of Gdansk.
Prizes and awards:
2021: 10% "Best Papers" award in 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2021 (in the USA) for the paper: “Electric bike-sharing services mode substitution for driving, public transit, and cycling"
2021: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award II Class for individual scientific achievements
2020: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award IV Class for individual scientific achievements
2014: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award 2nd Class for team scientific achievements for the book "Interantional
Economic Relations"
2013: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award 2nd Class for team scientific achievements for the book "Globalization and
regionalization in the world economy"
Tomasz Bieliński, Agnieszka Kwapisz, Agnieszka Ważna, Electric bike-sharing services mode substitution for driving, public transit, and cycling, “Transportation research part D: transport and environment" 96, 102883,
Tomasz Bieliński, Łukasz Dopierała, Maciej Tarkowski, Agnieszka Ważna, Lessons from Implementing a Metropolitan Electric Bike Sharing System. Energies 2020, 13, 6240.
Tomasz Bieliński, Agnieszka Ważna, Electric Scooter Sharing and Bike Sharing User Behaviour and Characteristics, "Sustainability" 2020, 12(22), 9640; doi:10.3390/su12229640
Tomasz Bieliński, Agnieszka Kwapisz, Agnieszka Ważna, Bike-Sharing Systems in Poland, "Sustainability", 2019, 11, 2458; doi:10.3390/su11092458
Tomasz Bieliński, Magdalena Markiewicz, Ewa Oziewicz, Do Central and Eastern Europe Countries Play a Role in the Belt and Road Initiative? The Case of Chinese OFDI into the CEE-16 Countries, Comparative Economic Research 22 (2), 7-22, 2019.
Development of Human Capital and Innovation in Chinese Economy, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2016.
Tomasz Bieliński, Magdalena Markiewicz, Magdalena Mosionek-Schweda, Do government interventions affect china’s stock market? Case study - analysis of the asset bubble in 2015-2016, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. - 2017, nr 486.
Joanna Bednarz, Tomasz Bieliński, Anna Nikodemska-Wołowik, Ade Otukoya. Sources of the competitive advantage of family enterprises : an international approach focusing on China, Nigeria and Poland, “Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review", Vol. 5, no. 2, 2017.
The influence of economic and sociocultural factors on Chinese family enterprises development, “Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie" Vol. 18, No. 3, 2017.
Progression of the process of internationalization of Chinese yuan, “Pieniądze i Więź" Vol. 19, No.3, 2016.
Innovativeness and human capital as a main source of competitiveness of Chinese economy, “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia" Vol. 4, No 1, 2016.
Chinese internet sector competitiveness, “Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej", z. 8, Gdańsk 2015
Development of human capital and governmental support as strategic advantages of Chinese high technology companies, “Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics", no. 370, Wrocław 2014
Development of Internet Social Networks in China as a Chance for European Software Developers, Clusters, Networks and Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region, “Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics" no.295, Wrocław 2013.
Chinese video game market as an opportunity for Polish game producers, “International Business and Global Economy", no. 33, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2013
China’s increasing competitive advantage in research and development, and human resources in: Wroclaw University of Economics Working Papers, Wroclaw 2011.
Culture and Globalization [in:] Globalizacja i regionalizacja w gospodarce światowej, red. R.Orłowska, K.Żołądkiewicz, Warsaw 2012.
Intellectual capital as a competitive factor of China [in:] Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010.
Chances ant threats for the development of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries [in:] Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010
Corporate innovation during recession [in]: Innowacyjne Strategie Kreowania Przewagi Konkurencyjnej Przedsiebiorstw red. P. Antonowicz Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, Sopot 2010.
Culture and Globalization [in:] Globalizacja i regionalizacja w gospodarce światowej, red. R.Orłowska, K.Żołądkiewicz, Warsaw 2012
Educational policy regarding preferred fields of tertiary education and its impact on the most innovative sectors of economy, Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław 2012
Chinese video game market as an opportunity for Polish game producers, [in] International Business and Global Economy, nr 33, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2013
Intellectual capital as a competitive factor of China [in:] Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010
China’s increasing competitive advantage in research and development, and human resources [w:] Competitiveness of Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region, Selected problems. Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław 2011
Chances ant threats for the development of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries [in:] Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010
Corporate innovation during recession in: Innowacyjne Strategie Kreowania Przewagi Konkurencyjnej Przedsiebiorstw red. P. Antonowicz Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, Sopot 2010.
Opportunities and Threats for the Development of the Gulf Cooperation Council [in:] Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010.
innovation, entrepreneurship and human capital in China.
2021: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award II Class for individual scientific achievements
2020: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award IV Class for individual scientific achievements
2014: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award 2nd Class for team scientific achievements for the book "Międzynarodowe Stosunki gospodarcze"
2013: University of Gdansk Rector’s Award 2nd Class for team scientific achievements for the book "Globalizacja i regionalizacja w gospodarce światowej"