Anna Sperska, Ph.D.

885 028 000
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Other duties:

Scientific career:

since October 2019 - Department of International Business, Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk, current position: Assistant Professor

June 2019 - defense of the doctoral dissertation "Measuring the effects of sales and marketing on the Business to Business services market. Implications for the competitiveness of Polish forwarding companies."

Business career:

since 2023: trainer in EY Academy of Business in the area of sales controlling

since 2022: Chairman of the Supervisory Board in Marineworks S.A., Board of Managers Advisor

Since 2016 - Managing Director at Lograd Strategic Consulting. As a business consultant, in cooperation with customers’ Management Boards she conducted numerous projects, amongst others effective restructuring processes for the whole enterprises, as well as for the sales teams, controlling implementations and many others.

In the years 2010-2016 dr Anna Sperska held the positions of Sales Director, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board, and also served as Proxy in a leading logistic company in Poland. As a Sales Director and Management Board Proxy, she managed Sales, Marketing and Analysis Deparments, effectively increasing their efficiency. She also took part in restructuring projects and in adapting the company to the stock exchange requirements. She closely cooperated with the Management Board in creating and implementing strategic projects. Earlier, in 2008-2009, she was Marketing Manager and Project Manager.

Dr Anna Sperska gained professional experience at C.Hartwig Gdynia S.A., Danfoss LPM and Oldendorff Carriers GmbH in Germany, as well as during the implementation of many consulting projects for the various sized companies.

Dr Anna Sperska is a graduate of Foreign Trade at the University of Gdańsk, Postgraduate Study "Marketing Management on the B2B Market" at the Poznań University of Economics, MBA type program "Management" at the Canadian Management Institute (currently ICAN) and many training courses in the area of sales and management.



Scientific publications:

1. "Customer satisfaction and loyalty and its digital measurement - practical aspects" A.Sperska, T. Czuba, in "Marketing research in digital economy", red. Mazurek-Łopacińska K., Sobocińska M., Economic University in Wrocław, Wrocław 2020.

2. "Costs of unfair competition. Analysis based on HR case study.", in: Economic law, red. Wetoszka D., C.H Beck, 2020.

3. "Usage of marketing metrics in sales and marketing management on B2B market in Poland - problems and barriers", Zeszyty Studenckie Wydziału Ekonomicznego UG, august 2017.

4. "Export opportunities for Polish enterprises on the choosen Sub-Saharan markets", M.Grottel, A.Sperska, International Economy, nr 32/2020

Commercial publications:

1. "Analysis and metrics in sales management", Sales Manager, no. 34/2017,

2.  "Margin goals as a key management instruments", Finances and Controlling, no. 53/2017,

3. "How marketing controlling can influence turnover and profits?", Controlling and Management Accounting, no. 10/2018

4. "How to monitor customers’ attitudes and behaviour? Metrics particularly important for the controlling." Controlling and Management Accounting, no. 11/2018

5. "Marketing controlling in different market situations - crisis and rapid development." Controlling and Management Accounting, no. 7/2019

6. "Cutting cost or changing your marketing activities?", Controlling and Management Accounting, n0. 9/2019

7. "Customers’ attitudes and behaviour monitoring - controlling approach", Finance and Controlling, nr 61/2019

8. "Non/profitable customer. How to measure customers’ profitability in different sales channels". Controlling and Maagement Accounting, no. 7/2020

9. "Marketing outsourcing - profit&loss analysis". Controlling and Maagement Accounting, no. 2/2020


Lectures at conferences (scientific and commercial):

1. Sales Morphology, November 2018, Gdańsk, title of the lecture: "How analyzes and metrics can contribute to the increase of sales results. Sales controlling."

2. V Modern Controlling Forum, October 2019, Warsaw, title of the lecture: "Optimization in sales and marketing. Increased efficiency as an alternative to cost reduction."

3. VI Sales Managers Forum, November 2019, Warsaw, title of the lecture: "Management of dispersed teams - problems and challenges."

4. V Scientific Conference of the Pomeranian Attorney Association in Gdańsk "Business Law", title of the lecture: "Costs of unfair competition in the sphere of relations with employees. Case study."


Research interests

B2B sector, maritime industry

International Expansion Strategies, enterprises’ competitiveness on the international market, globalisation/deglobalisation/reshaping of supply chains

Strategic management, sales and marketing management, sales and marketing controlling, financial aspects of sales

Cooperation between the academic and business communities
