InfoGlob 2020




Ladies and gentlemen, 



Taking into account the still unstable epidemiological situation and uncertain prospects for the course of the epidemic COVID-19 in the autumn, we decided to cancel the conference. However, we are trying to realize the intentions related to the publication of your scientific articles, therefore we will direct the submitted articles to the publishing process.  



Organizing Committee  




The Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade

are pleased to invite you to the 12th Annual Conference

InfoGlob 2020


The conference is organised by the Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade at the University of Gdańsk, the Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze, the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering  of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) and the Institute of Fire Safety Engineering, the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw.


The conference will take place 15 to 17 September 2020 on the board of Stena Spirit on the route Gdynia - Karlskrona - Gdynia (during the event there is a planned part for visiting Copenhagen) and will focus on the challenges of sustainable development in the areas of economy, society and the environment.

The aim of the InfoGlob 2020 conference is the integration of the scientific communities and business practitioners, to exchange views and present research results, and practical experiences related to the range of the topics of the conference, as well as to indicate the possibility for further research.

The range of the topics of the conference concerned all the main areas of scientific research conducted at the Department of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade and co-organizers. As previous years, the conference will be divided into plenary, thematic and a poster session.

The conference has been organised since 2008. 



Under the auspices of:

His Magnificence the Rector of

University of Gdansk

Prof. Dr Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała