Employees of the Department have conducted research in the following fields:
Enterprise Theory, including:
- process analysis and synthesis,
- systemic analysis and synthesis,
- economic control of enterprises,
- enterprise regulation,
- enterprise adaptation,
- enterprise optimization,
- enterprise strategy;
Resource allocation in transport, including:
- economics of transport companies,
- organisation of transport companies,
- transport operators,
- transport organisers,
- road transport companies,
- haulage companies;
Enterprise behaviour, including:
- enterprise organisational culture,
- economic stratification of companies,
- enterprise vitality,
- organisational behaviour of companies,
- enterprise behaviour at the labour market;
Economic diagnosis of enterprises, including:
- financial analysis,
- analytic research of enterprises,
- operational research,
- labour research,
- marketing research,
- enterprise evalutation;
Enterprise management, including:
- financial management,
- economic monitoring,
- capital management,
- marketing management,
- operational management,
- labour management,
- motivation management,
- process management,
- company management,
- strategic management,
- systemic management,
- situational management.