
Scientific articles affiliated to the Faculty of Economics

No.AuthorsTitleJournalImpact Factor
2024 year
1.Adekola P.O., Cirella G., Brownell G.Reintegration programs and the willingness of displaced persons to return home: analyzing the role ofsocial infrastructure in North?East NigeriaJournal of International Migration and Integration, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
2.Babula E., Mrzygłód U.Making choices in repetitive risky situations with immediate feedbackEconomics & Sociology, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
3.Bednarz J., Markiewicz M., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Digital payments during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland: an initial insight on the consumer perception of security and convenienceArgumenta Oeconomica, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
4.Bieliński T., Tomasz Czuba T., Dopierała Ł., Tarkowski M.Electric bike sharing: price sensitivity and pricing preferencesResearch in Transportation Business and Management, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
5.Bizon W. Poszewiecki A.Grammatical mood and assessment of support policy effectivenessEkonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
6.Blajer-Gołębiewska A., Nowak S.Investor sentiment response to COVID-19 outbreak-related news: a sectoral analysis of US firmsNorth American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
7.Blaszke M., Nowak M.J., Ciołek D., Oleńczuk-Paszel A., Śpiewak-Szyjka M., Dziedzic-Bukowska J., Tokarzewska-Żarna Z., Sergio Pena MedinaThe role of the courts in resolving conflicts over property expropriation: the case of PolanddisP, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
8.Charłampowicz J., Mańkowski C.Relationships between managerial concepts in inland transport companies: a fuzzy-DEMATEL approachTransport Problems, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
9.Chmiel B., Żukowska S., Połom M.Development of public transport in rural areas in Poland: the example of the Slupsk districtTransport Problems, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
10.Ciołek D., Zaucha J.How important is the blue economy for regional development? - the case of PolandMarine Policy, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
11.Cofre N., Mosionek-Schweda M.A simulated electronic market with speculative behaviour and bubble formationFinance Research Letters, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
12.Croes R., Shapoval V., Rivera M., Bąk M., Zientara P.Promoting residents’ happiness through a human-centric approach to tourism city developmentInternational Journal of Tourism Cities, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
13.Czermański E., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A..MSP for port areas - To what extent should we interfere with governance of ports’ waters? Case study of Polish seaportsMarine Policy, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
14.Czermański E., Zaucha J., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Pardus J., Kiersztyn A., Czerwiński D.Valuation of marine areas for merchant shipping: an attempt at shipping spatial rent valuation based on Polish Marine AreasFrontiers in Marine Science, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
15.Gemeda B.S., Cirella G., Birhanu G. Abebe B.G., Gemeda F.T.Exploring land acquisition and restructuring policy in Addis AbabaCities, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
16.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Profitability and working capital management: a meta?study in macroeconomic and institutional conditionsDecision : Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
17.Letkiewicz A., Majecka B., Ławreszuk M.The changes in the approach to the realization of "Green Deal" goals of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemicEkonomia i Środowisko, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
18.Matusiewicz M.Physical internet - where are we at? A systematic literature reviewActa Logistica, 2024IF 2023:
19.Mushafiq M., Prusak B., Markiewicz M.Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk under firm and industry heterogeneityEntrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
20.Nazarczuk J.M., Umiński S., Márquez-Ramos L.Exporting activity in rural regions: does it differ from urban regions? Evidence from PolandTechnological and Economic Development of Economy, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
21.Nozari H., Ghahremani-Nahr J.,  Szmelter-Jarosz A.AI and machine learning for real-world problemsKsiążka: Kim Shiho, Deka Ganesh Chandra (red.): Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for open-world novelty, Advances In Computers, nr 134, 202IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
22.Olah S., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Štebe J., Šoštarič Zvonar M., Slavec A., Kaszás A., Pék G, Łosiewicz M., Iwanowska M.The religious and mental health determinants of the covid-19’s fear in the CEE countriesEuropean Journal of Science and Theology, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
23.Pangsy-Kania S., Biegańska J., Flouros F., Sokół A.Heating and cooling degree-days vs climate change in years 1979-2021. Evidence from the European Union and NorwayEkonomia i Środowisko, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
24.Poier S., Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M.Germany under the tinfoil hat? The associations of the big five personality traits and coronavirus conspiracy beliefs with the intention to get vaccinatedJournal of Infection and Public Health, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
25.Przybyłowski A., Kaszuba A., Suchanek M.Smart and sustainable urban mobility - public and shared transport users’ behavior in Gdynia city: a case studyTransport Problems, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
26.Rolbiecki R., Matusiewicz M.Periodic fluctuations of transport as a determinant of inland waterway shipping competitivenessJournal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-Asce, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
27.Skica T., Rodzinka J., Golejewska A., Suchanek M.Do LGUs' non-financial support instruments matter to new firm formation?Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
28.Slavec A., Iwanowska M., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Olah S., Šoštarič Zvonar M., Štebe J., Łosiewicz MDeterminants of COVID-19 vaccination intention in Central and Eastern Europe: a cross-sectional study in Poland, Romania, and SloveniaArchives of Public Health, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
29.Smoliński P., Januszewicz J., Pawłowska B., Winiarski J.Nuclear energy acceptance in Poland: from societal attitudes to effective policy strategies - network modeling approachPLoS ONE, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
30.Tafon R., Saunders F., Zaucha J., Matczak M.,  Stalmokaitẻ I., Gilek M., Turski J.Blue justice through and beyond equity and participation: a critical reading of capability-based recognitional justice in Poland’s marine spatial planningJournal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
31.Tłoczyński D., Czerepko J., Mirocki A.How do sustainable aviation fuels shape the conditions for aviation growth?Economics and Environment, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
32.Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A., Tomaszewski T.The interdependence of R&D, innovations, and productivity: case of Polish manufacturing companiesEkonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
33.Zhang M., Zhongyi Z., Chen J., Cirella G., Xie Y.Understanding and mitigating the purchase intention of medicines containing saiga antelope horn among Chinese residents: an analysis of influencing factorsDiversity, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
34.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M.Understanding employee reactions to union-busting in the US hospitality industry: an analysis based on union attitudes and cognitive framesInternational Journal of Hospitality Management, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
35.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M.Advancing understanding of unionization in the hospitality industry: the role of attitudes toward unions and social justiceJournal of Sustainable Tourism, 2024IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
36.Zientara P., Jażdżewska-Gutta J., Bąk M., Zamojska A.Examining the use of public transportation by tourists in ten European capitals through the lens of hierarchical leisure constraints theoryJournal of Travel ResearchIF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
37.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J.Exploring youth preferences for collective action: a comparison of a grassroots initiative with a union-led oneRelations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
38.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M.Factors affecting hospitality workers’ intention to leave the industry during the coronavirus pandemic. Evidence from the UKJournal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
39.Zientara P.,  Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Bąk M., Zamojska A.What drives tourists' sustainable mobility at city destinations? Insights from ten European capital citiesJournal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024IF 2023:
5 years IF 2023:
2023 year
1.Ansong J.O., Ritchie H., Gee K.,  McElduff L., Zaucha J.Pathways towards integrated cross-border marine spatial planning (MSP): insights from Germany, Poland and the island of IrelandEuropean Planning Studies, 2023, s.1-24IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
2.Bednarz J., Schuster C.,  Rost M.Impact of industry 4.0 technology on international posting of workersSAGE Open, 2023, t.13, nr 1, s. 1-16IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
3.Bathaee M., Nozari H., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Designing a new location-allocation and routing model with simultaneous pick-up and delivery in a closed-loop supply chain network under uncertaintyLogistics-Basel, 2023, t.7, nr 1, s.1- 33IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
4.Bencsik A., Pangsy-Kania S.Sustainable leadership practices based on the logic of the honeybee pyramid - comparison of Hungarian and Polish SMEsSustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 17, s. 1-27IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
5.Bielenia M., Podolska A.Carbon footprint generated by individual port websites. The missing idea in the concept of green portsFrontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, t.11, s.1-11IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
6.Bielenia M., Dubisz D., Czermański E.Methodological introduction to the carbon footprint evaluation of intermodal transportFrontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, t.11, s.1-12IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
7.Chmiel B., Pawłowska B., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Mobility-as-a-service as a catalyst for urban transport integration in conditions of uncertaintyEnergies, 2023, t.16, nr 4, s.1-24IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
8.Czechowski O., Romanowska A., Czermański E, Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Wanagos M.An attempt to determine the relationship between air pollution and the real estate market in 2010–2020 in Gdańsk using GLM and GRM statistical modelsSustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 3, s. 1-22IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
9.Dashtbozorgi F., Hedayatiaghmashhadi A., Dashtbozorgi A.,  Ruiz-Agudelo C.A., Fürst C., Cirella G., Naderi M.Ecosystem services valuation using InVEST modeling: case from southern Iranian mangrove forestsRegional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, t.60, s. 1-14IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
10.Dvorský J., Joanna Bednarz J., Blajer-Gołębiewska A.The impact of corporate reputation and social media engagement on the sustainability of SMEs: perceptions of top managers and the ownersEquilibrium,2023, t.18, nr 3, s. 778-811IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
11Dvorský J. Olah J., Bednarz J., Hudakova M.Opinions of owners and managers on the business risks of SMES sustainability: does gender matter?Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2023, t.24, nr 4, s. 732-753IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
12.Fernández Raga M., Aleksić D., Kapucugil Ikiz A., Markiewicz M.,  Streit H.Development of a comprehensive process for introducing game-based learning in higher education for lecturersSustainability, 2023, t. 15, nr 4, s. 1-18IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
13.Ilczuk D., Dopierała Ł., Bednarz J.What are the real motivations and experiences of silver entrepreneurs? Empirical evidence from PolandJournal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2023, t.19, nr 3, s. 129-167IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
14.Jagiełło A., Wołek M., Bizon W.Comparison of tender criteria for electric and diesel buses in Poland - has the ongoing revolution in urban transport been overlooked?Energies, 2023, t.16, nr 11, s.1-17IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
15.Jażdżewska-Gutta M.,  Szmelter-Jarosz A.,  Borkowski P.Micromobility in tourist single- and multimodal travels at destinationResearch in Transportation Business and ManagementIF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
16.Kuczewska J., Garbin Praničević D., Borowicz A.,  Talaja A.The digital transformation process in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic: a study in Poland and CroatiaManagement-Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 2023, t. 28, nr 2, s. 27-41IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
17.Kwiatkowski J., Zaucha JMeasuring the blue economy in the EU: the Polish experienceFrontiers in Marine Science, 2023, t.10, s.1-16IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
18.Letkiewicz A., Ławreszuk M., Majecka B.The Green Deal - activity and expectations of Polish large and medium-sized road freight carriers in relation to potential regulatory solutionsResearch in Transportation Business and Management, t.48, s.1-10IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
19.Lewandowski R.A., Goncharuk A.G., Cirella G.Assessing trust with injected health information in Poland’s healthcare system: lay people versus healthcare workersJournal of Trust Research, 2023, t.13, nr 1, s. 67-86.IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
20.Lewandowski R.A., Cirella G.Performance management systems: trade-off between implementation and strategy developmentOperations Management Research, 2023, t.6, nr 1, s. 280-295IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
21.Mańkowska M., Tłoczyński D., Wach-Kloskowska M., Bulczak G.Factors determining the implementation of green practices in airport management. The case study of Polish airportsJournal of Air Transport ManagementIF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
22.Matusiewicz M., Możdżeń M., Paprocki W.Physical Internet in passenger air transport to decrease emissions - a conceptSustainable Materials and Technologies, 2023, t.36, s. 1-19IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
23.Matusiewicz M., Książkiewicz D.Shared logistics - literature reviewApplied Sciences-Basel, 2023, t. 13, nr 4, s. 1-120IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
24.Matuszewska-Pierzynka A., Urszula Mrzygłód U., Pieloch-Babiarz A.ESG performance and dividend stability of the world’s largest enterprisesJournal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2023, t.19, nr 4, s. 184-217IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
25.Medeiros E., Zaucha J.,  Ciołek D.Measuring territorial cohesion trends in Europe: a correlation with EU Cohesion PolicyEuropean Planning Studies, t. 31, nr 9, s. 1868-1884IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
26.Mushafiq M., Prusak B., Markiewicz M.Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwillJournal of Cleaner Production, 2023, t.428, s.1-16IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
27.Nozari M., Javid Ghahremani-Nahr J., Szmelter-Jarosz A.AI and machine learning for real-world problemsAdvances In Computers, 2023IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
28.Pangsy-Kania S., Golejewska A., Wierzbicka K., Mosionek-Schweda M.Searching for dependencies between business strategies and innovation outputs in manufacturing: an analysis based on CISSustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 9, s. 1-13IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
29.Pangsy-Kania S., Romanowska A., Budzyński M., Wierzbicka K., Prystrom J.Analysis of road accident causes in the voivodships in the years 2014-2021 in the aspect of socio-economic costs – towards the implementation of sustainable developmentEkonomia i Środowisko, 2023, t. 85, nr 2, s. 308-327IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
30.Próchniak J., Płoska R., Zamojska A.,  Lepczyński B., Cirella G.Maturity analysis of stock exchanges in Africa: prepandemic sustainability perspectiveSustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 8, s.1-18IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
31.Russo A., Cirella G.Urban ecosystem services: advancements in urban green developmentLand, 2023, t. 12, nr 3. s. 1-4IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
32.Rześny-Cieplińska J., Tomaszewski T.,  Piecyk-Ouellet M.,  Kiba-Janiak M.Emerging trends for urban freight transport - the potential for sustainable micromobilityPLoS ONE, 2023, t.18, nr 9, s.1-20IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
33.Smoliński P., Szóstakowski M.,  Winiarski J.E-learning software: comparing the use behavior among academicians and schoolteachersElectronic Journal of e-Learning, 2023, t.21, nr 2, s.98-109IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
34.Sobol I.,  Dopierała Ł., Wysiński P.Is the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks driven by the same factors? - A study of banking in the Middle EastPLoS ONE, 2023, t.18, nr 8, s. 1-32IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
35.Sokół A., Pangsy-Kania S., Biegańska J.Do cultural industries have an impact on sustainable development in EU countries?Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, t.428, s.1-12IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
36.Śledzik K., Płoska R.,  Chmielewski M.,  Barembruch A.,  Szmelter-Jarosz A., Kędzierska-Szczepaniak A.,  Antonowicz P.Multivariate pharma technology transfer analysis: civilization diseases and COVID-19 perspectiveInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, t. 20, nr 3, s. 1-17IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
37.Suchanek M., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Car enthusiasm during the second and fourth waves of COVID-19 pandemicHumanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2023, t.10, s. 1-11IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:


Szmelter-Jarosz A., Chmiel B., Śledzik K.Most successful business models in logistics innovations – the review of crowd logistics solutionsLogForum, 2023, t.19, nr 3, s. 317-330IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:


Szmelter-Jarosz A., Chmiel B., Nozari H.The mobility choices in Poland: is there a chance to transition from owned cars to a shared ones?European Journal of Transformation Studies, 2023, t. 11, nr 1, s.206 - 228IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
40.Szymanowska B., Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H.Seaport innovation trends: global insightsMarine Policy, 2023, t.152, s.1-10IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
41.Tafon R., Saunders F., Zaucha J., Matczak M.,  Stalmokaitė I., Gilek M., Turski J.Blue justice through and beyond equity and participation: a critical reading of capability-based recognitional justice in Poland’s marine spatial planningJournal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2023, s. 1-23IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
42.Ukhurebor K.E, Ngonso B.F., Egielewa P.E., Cirella G., Akinsehinde B.O., Balogune V.A.Petroleum spills and the communicative response from petroleum agencies and companies: impact assessment from the Niger Delta Region of NigeriaExtractive Industries and Society, 2023, t.15, s. 1 - 13IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
43.Umiński S., Nazarczuk J.M., Borowicz A.The role of foreign-owned entities in building economic resilience in times of crisis: the case of European digital and technologically-intensive firms during the Covid-19 pandemicEquilibrium, 2023, t.18, nr 3IF 2022:
5 years IF 2022:
44.Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A., Tomaszewski T.Measuring the impact of R&D&I subsidies on innovative inputs and outputs in Polish manufacturing firmsJournal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, s.1-32IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
45.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M.Unpicking the mechanism underlying hospitality workers' intention to join a union and intention to quit a job. Evidence from the UKInternational Journal of Hospitality Management, 2023, t. 108, s. 1-12IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
46.Żukowska S., Chmiel B.,  Połom M.The smart village concept and transport exclusion of rural areas: a case study of a village in Northern PolandLand, 2023, t.12, nr. 1, s. 1-23IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
2022 year
1.Adekola P.O., Ugwu F.C.,. Amoo E. O, Olawole-Isaac A., Cirella G.COVID-19, mobility restriction, and sexual behavior among a cohort of people of reproductive age: NigeriaFrontiers in Public Health, 2022, nr 10, s.1-12IF 2021:
5 years IF 2021:
2.Adekola P.O., Azuh D.E., Emmanuel O. Amoo E.O., Brownell G., Cirella G.Economic drivers of voluntary return among conflict-induced internally displaced persons in NigeriaSustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 4, s. 1-15IF 2020:
5 years IF: 3.473
3.Aghmashhadi A.H., Samaneh Zahedi S.,  Kazemi A.,  Fürst Ch., Cirella G.Conflict analysis of physical industrial land development policy using game theory and graph model for conflict resolution in Markazi provinceLand,2022, t.11, nr 4, s.1-11IF 2020:
5 years IF:
4.Ambroziak A.A., Stefaniak J.The position of China in trade in services within the European UnionOeconomia Copernicana, 2022, t.13, nr 2, s. 335-354IF 2021:
5 years IF:
5.Baltas I., Dopierała Ł., Kolodziejczyk K.,  Szczepański M., Weber G.W., Yannacopoulos A.N.Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertaintyEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 2022, t.298, nr 3,  s. 1162-1174

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

6.Ciołek D., Golejewska A, Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi  A.Innovation drivers in regions. Does urbanization matter?Growth and Change, 2022, s.1-28

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

7.Czechowski P.O.,  Piksa K.,  Dąbrowiecki P., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Czermański E., Owczarek T.,  Badyda A.J., Cirella G.Financing costs and Helach effects of air pollution in the Tri-City agglomerationFrontiers in Public Health, 2022, t.10, s.1-10

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

8.Czermański E., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Spangenberg E.F., Kozłowski Ł., Adamowicz M., Jankiewicz J., Cirella G.Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index: an important but costly step towards ocean protectionMarine Policy, 2022, t.45, s.1-11

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

9.Dopierała Ł., Mosionek-Schweda M., Laskowicz T., Ilczuk D.Financial performance of renewable energy producers: a panel data analysis from the Baltic Sea RegionEnergy Reports, 2022, t.8, s. 11492-11503

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

10.Fu Y., Yang X.,  Wang T.,  Supriyadi A., Cirella G.Spatial pattern characteristics of the financial service industry: evidence from Nanjing, ChinaApplied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2022, t.15, nr 2.

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

11.Galik A.,  Bąk M., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Cirella G.Evaluating labour market flexibility using the TOPSIS method: sustainable industrial relationsSustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 1, s.1-21

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

12.Hedayati Aghmashhadi A., Azizi A., Hoseinkhani M., Zahedi S., Cirella G.Aquaculture site selection of Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) in Markazi province using GIS-based MCDMISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022, t.11, nr 3, s.11-18

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

13.Hedayati Aghmashhadi A., Azizi A., Zahedi S., Hoseinkhani M., Cirella G.Land suitability mapping using GIS-based ANP for residential zoning: case research from central IranTransactions in GIS, 2022, t.26, nr 2, s. 1017-1039


14.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Which determinants matter for working capital management in energy Industry? The case of European Union economyEnergies 2022, vol. 15, nr 9, s.1-18IF 2020:
5 years IF:
15.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Profitability and working capital management: evidence from the Warsaw Stock ExchangeJournal of Business Economics and Management, 21022, t.23, nr 1, s.180-198

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

16.Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Borkowski P.As strong as the weakest link. Transport and supply chain securityTransport Reviews, 2022, s.1-22

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

17.Letkiewicz A., Ławreszuk M.,  Majecka B.The Green Deal - activity and expectations of Polish large and medium-sized road freight carriers in relation to potential regulatory solutionsResearch in Transportation Business and Management, s.1-10, 2022

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

18.Lewandowski R.A, Cirella G.Performance management systems: trade-off between implementation and strategy developmentOperations Management Research, 2022, online first, s.1-16

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

19.Matusiewicz M.Modeling stakeholders openness to sustainable logistics measures using a data analysis approachProcesses,2022, t.10, nr 6, s.1-12

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

20.Medeiros ., Zaucha J., Ciołek D.Measuring territorial cohesion trends in Europe: a correlation with EU Cohesion PolicyEuropean Planning Studies, s. 1-17, 2022

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

21.Mejia C., Bąk M., Zientara P., Orlowski M.Importance-performance analysis of socially sustainable practices in U.S. restaurants: a consumer perspective in the quasi-post-pandemic contextInternational Journal of Hospitality Management, ISSN 0278-4319, e-ISSN 1873-4693, 2022, t.103, s. 1-10

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

22.Mustafayev F., Kulawczuk P., Orobello Ch.Renewable energy status in Azerbaijan: solar and wind potentials for future developmentEnergies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2022, nr 2, t. 15, s. 1-24.

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

23.Nozari H., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Ghahremani-Nahr J.Analysis of the challenges of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) for the smart supply chain (case study: FMCG industries)Sensors, t.22, s.1-18

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

24.Poier S., Nikodemska-Wołowik A-M., Suchanek M.How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage - evidence from the German photovoltaic marketJournal of Consumer Behaviour, 2022. S.1-18

IF 2020:
5 years IF:

25.Poszewiecki A., Czerepko J.New trends in consumption in Poland as shown by the example of a freeshop conceptSustainability, t. 14, nr 22, s. 1-16

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

26.Shneor R., Mrzygłód U.,  Adamska-Mieruszewska J.,  Fornalska-Skurczyńska A.The role of social trust in reward crowdfunding campaigns’ design and successElectronic Markets, t.32, nr 3, s.1103-1118, 2022

IF 2021:
5 years IF:

27.Stancheva M., Hristo Stanchev, Zaucha J., Ramieri E., Roberts T.Supporting multi-use of the sea with maritime spatial planning. The case of a multi-use opportunity development - Bulgaria, Black SeaMarine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2022, t.136, s.1-11IF 2020:
5 years IF:
28.Szymańska A., Zielenkiewicz M.Declining labour income share and personal income inequality in advanced countriesSustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 15, s.1-14IF 2020:
5 years IF:
29.Tłoczyński D., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Susmarski S.Analysis of sustainable transport systems in service of selected SEA-EU consortium countries' airports - a pilot case study of passenger choices for Gdańsk AirportInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,  2022, t.19, nr. 2, s. 1-21IF 2020:
5 years IF:
30.Wang S.,  Cai Z., Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y.Chinese resident preferences for African elephant conservation: choice experimentDiversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-18IF 2020:
31.Yang T.,  Druică E., Zhang Z., Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y.Predictors of the behavioral Intention to participate in Saiga antelope conservation among Chinese young residentsDiversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-18IF 2020:
32.Zaucha J., Stephen Jay S.The extension of marine spatial planning to the management of the world ocean, especially areas beyond national jurisdictionMarine Policy, 2022, t.144, s.1-10IF 2020:
5 years IF:
33.Zhang Z., Yang T.,  Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y.Behavioral intention to resist the consumption of wild animals in China: netizen surveyDiversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-17IF 2020:
2021 year
1.Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Mrzygłód U., Suchanek M., Fornalska-Skurczyńska A.Keep it simple. The impact of language on crowdfunding successEconomics & Sociology, ISSN 2071-789X, e-ISSN 2306-3459, 2021, t.14, nr 1, s.130-144   

IF 2020:
5 years
IF: 0,4

2.Adekola P., Iyalomhe F.O., Paczoski A., Abebe S.T., Pawłowska B.,  Bąk M., Cirella G.Public perception and awareness of waste management from Benin CityScientific Reports, ISSN 2045-2322, 2021, nr 11, s. 1-14.IF 2019-2020: 3.998
3.Bałandynowicz-Panfil K.Jak przekonać niezdecydowanych - komunikacja z osobami starszymi a postawy wobec szczepień przeciw COVID-19Media - Biznes - Kultura. Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja spoleczna, ISSN 2451-1986, e-ISSN 2544-2554, 2021, nr 1 (10), s. 159-172. 
4.Bartosik-Purgat M., Bednarz J.The usage of new media tools in prosumer activities - a corporate perspectiveTechnology Analysis & Strategic Management, ISSN 0953-7325, e-ISSN 1465-3990, 2021, nr – online first, s.1-12.IF 2019:
5 years
IF: 2.105
5.Blajer-Gołębiewska A.Individual corporate reputation and perception of collective corporate reputation regarding stock market investmentsPLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021, t.16, nr 9, s. 1-21.IF 2020:
5 years IF: 3,226
6.Borkowski P., Jażdżewska-Gutta M. , Szmelter-Jarosz A.Lockdowned: Everyday mobility changes in response to COVID-19Journal of Transport Geography
Volume 90, 102906, 2021, t.90, s. 1-13
IF:  3.834
5 years
IF: 4.969
7.Borowicz A., Umiński S.Will multinational enterprises contribute to Poland's economic resilience and recovery during and post COVID-19 pandemicTransnational Corporations Review, ISSN 1918-6444, e-ISSN 1925-2099, 2021. 
8.Borowicz A.Does the new industrial strategy for Europe follow the path of the concept of Industry 4.0?Studia Europejskie, ISSN 1428-149X, 2021, t.25, nr 1, s. 85-102. 
9.Brycz M., Brycz H.Does employment determine self-awareness of biases? Sociodemographic aspects of metacognitive self before and during COVID-19Journal of International Studies, ISSN 2071-8330, e-ISSN 2306-3483, 2021, t.14, nr 3, s. 263-273. 
10.Brzezicki Ł., Pietrzak P., Cieciora M.Efficiency of the education system (primary, secondary and tertiary) in particular voivodships of PolandEconomy of Region, ISSN 2072-6414, e-ISSN 2411-1406, 2021,     
11.Brzezicki Ł.Ocena podstawowych zadań publicznych uczelni akademickich w PolsceStudia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, ISSN 0081-6841, e-ISSN 2450-8179, 2021, t.118, s.1-17. 
12.Ciborowski R., Oziewicz E., Pangsy-Kania S.The Belt and Road Initiative - shared development or a threat for the world economy?European Research Studies Journal, ISSN 1108-2976, 2021, t.24, nr 1 
13.Ciołek D., Golejewska A., Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A.Regional innovation systems in Poland: how to classify them?Economy of Region, ISSN 2072-6414, e-ISSN 2411-1406, 2021, t.17, nr 3, s. 987-1003 
14.Croes R. , Ridderstaat J. , Bąk M., Zientara  P.Tourism specialization, economic growth, human development and transition economies: the case of PolandTourism Management, ISSN 0261-5177, e-ISSN 1879-3193, 2021, t.82, s.1-8IF: 7.432
5 years
IF: 9.238
15.Czermański E., Cirella G,Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Pawłowska B., Notteboom T.An energy consumption approach to estimate air emission reductions in container shippingEnergies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t.14,    s. 1-18.IF: 2.707
16.Czerwonka L., Jaworski  J.Capital structure determinants of small and medium-sized enterprises: evidence from Central and Eastern EuropeJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, ISSN 1462-6004, e-ISSN 1758-7840 , 2021, s.1-21 
17.Dopierała Ł., Mosionek-Schweda M.Pension fund management, investment performance, and herding in the context of regulatory changes: new evidence from the Polish pension systemRisks, ISSN 2227-9091,2021, t.9, nr 1, s.1-19. 
18.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Determinants of enterprises’ capital structure in energy industry: evidence from European UnionEnergies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t.14, nr 7, s. 1-19.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
19.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Meta-study on the relationship between profitability and liquidity of enterprises in macroeconomic and institutional environmentDecision : Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, ISSN 0304-0941, e-ISSN 2197-1722, 
20.Kaliszewski A., Kozłowski A, Dąbrowski J., Klimek H.LinkedIn survey reveals competitiveness factors of container terminals: forwarders’ viewTransport Policy, ISSN 0967-070X, e-ISSN 1879-310X, 2021, t.106, s.131-140IF 2020:
5 years IF:
21.Kołatka M.Zmiana poziomu efektywności amerykańskiego rynku akcji – od kryzysu finansowego 2007-2009 do pandemii COVID-19Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne, ISSN 1506-7637, 2021, nr 3, s.33-47. 
22.Kozłowski A., Kaliszewski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H.Virtual network sampling method using LinkedInMethodsX, ISSN 2215-0161, e-ISSN 2215-0161, 2021, t.8, s.1-5 
23.Kwidziński Z., Bednarz J., Pędzik M., Sankiewicz Ł., Szarowski P., Knitowski B., Rogoziński T.Innovative line for door production TechnoPORTA - technological and economic aspects of application of wood-based materialsApplied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t.11, nr 10, s.1-20.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
24.Kwidzyński Z. , Bednarz J., Sankiewicz Ł., Pędzik P., Rogoziński T.TechnoPORTA intelligent, customized technological line for the automated production of technical doors - selected technical and economic indicatorsAnnals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Forestry and Wood Technology, ISSN 1898-5912, 2021, t.114, s.96-100. 
25.Mańkowski C., Charłampowicz J.Managing maritime container ports' sustainability: a reference modelSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t. 13, nr 18, s. 1-15.IF 2020:
5 years:
26.Michalska-Szajer A., Klimek H., Dąbrowski J.A comparative analysis of CSR disclosure of Polish and selected foreign seaportsCase Studies on Transport Policy, ISSN 2213-624X, e-ISSN 2213-6258, 2021, t.9, nr 3, s. 1112-1121.    
27.Mogila Z., Ciołek D., Kwiatkowski J., Zaucha J.The Baltic blue growth - country-level shift-share analysisMarine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2021,t.134, s.1-10IF 2020:
5 years IF
28.Mrzygłód U., Nowak S., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J.What drives the dividend decisions in BRICS countries?Oeconomia Copernicana, ISSN 2083-1277, e-ISSN 2353-1827 , 2021, t.12, nr 3, s.593-629IF 2020:
5 years IF:
29.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Zientara P., Zamojska A.A family-enterprise collective certification trademark: consumer insightJournal of Family Business Management, ISSN 2043-6238, e-ISSN 2043-6246, 2021, online first, s.1-15. 
30.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. , Wach D., Andruszkiewicz K.,  Otukoya A.Conscious shopping of middle-class consumers during the pandemic: Exploratory study in Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, and Sri LankaInternational Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701 
31.Nowak S.,  Mrzygłód U., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J.What do we know about dividend smoothing in this millennium? Evidence from Asian MarketsEmerging Markets Finance and Trade, ISSN 1540-496X, e-ISSN 1558-0938, 2021, nr online first, s.1 – 30.IF: 1,214
5 years
IF: 1.156
32.Pangsy-Kania S.Od „Made in China” do „Created in China” - droga Chin do supremacji innowacyjnejGdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, ISSN 2084-2902, e-ISSN 2353-8724, 2021, nr 19, s. 97-115 
33.Pietrzak J.Perception of sources of private wealth. A qualitative study of perceptive schemes of Western and Eastern Bloc studentsInternational Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701, 2021, t.57, nr 1, s.1-13. 
34.Poier S.Towards a psychology of solar energy: Analyzing the effects of the Big Five personality traits on household solar energy adoption in Germany.Energy Research & Social Science, 77,2021IF: 4,771
35.Przedrzymirska J.,  Zaucha J.,  Calado H., Lukic I., Bocci M., Ramieri E., Caña-Varona M., Barbanti A., Depellegrin D., Sousa Vergílio M., Schultz-Zehden A., Onyango V., Papaioannou E.A.,  Buck B.H., Krause G.,  Schupp M.F., Läkamp R., Szefler K., Michałek M., Maniopoulou M., Vassilopoulou V.,  Kyriazi Z., Gawlikowska-Hueckel K., Szultka S, Orobello Ch., Kira Gee K., Buchanan B., Lazić M.Multi-use of the sea as a sustainable development instrument in five EU sea basinsSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t. 13, , nr 15, s.1-16IF 2020:
5  years IF:
36.Przybylowski A., Stelmak S., Suchanek M.Mobility behaviour in view of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - public transport users in Gdansk case studySustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t.13, nr 1, s. 1-12.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
37.Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Moslem S.Priority-based stakeholders analysis in the view of sustainable city logistics: evidence for Tricity, PolandSustainable Cities and Society, ISSN 2210-6715, e-ISSN 2210-6707 , 2021,t.67, s. 1-14IF:
5 years IF: 5.143
38.Stefaniak J., Ambroziak A.A.Intra-EU vs. extra-EU trade in ICT servicesInternational Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701, e-ISSN 2543-5361, 2021, t.57, nr 1, s.34-43. 
39.Suchanek M., Jagiełło A., Suchanek J.Substitutability and complementarity of municipal electric bike sharing systems against other forms of urban transportApplied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t. 11, nr.15, s.1-17. 
40.Szmelter-Jarosz A., Suchanek M.Mobility patterns of students: evidence from Tricity area, PolandApplied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t.11, nr 2, s.1-17.IF (2019):
5 years
IF: 2.458
41.Umiński S., Borowicz A.Will multinational enterprises contribute to Poland's economic resilience and recovery during and post COVID-19 pandemicTransnational Corporations Review, ISSN 1918-6444, e-ISSN 1925-2099, 2021, t.13, nr 1, s.74-87. 
42.Wołek M. , Wolański M. , Bartłomiejczyk M. , Wyszomirski O. , Grzelec K. Hebel K.Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: a case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland)Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526, e-ISSN 1879-1786, 2021, t. 279, s.1-14IF :  7.246
5 years
IF: 7.491
43.Wołek M., Jagiełło A., Wolański M.Multi-criteria analysis in the decision-making process on the electrification of public transport in cities in Poland: a case study analysisEnergies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t. 14, nr 19, s.1-13.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
44.Wołek M., Suchanek M., Czuba T.Factors influencing walking trips. Evidence from Gdynia, PolandPLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021, t.16, nr 8, s.1-21.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
45.Zanne M.,  Borkowski P.Comparative analysis of two seaports in the Baltic-Adriatic corridorTransactions on Maritime Science-ToMS, ISSN 1848-3305, e-ISSN 1848-3313, 2021, t.10, nr 1, s.1-7. 
46.Zaucha J., Kreiner A.Engagement of stakeholders in the marine/maritime spatial planning processMarine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2021, t.132, s. 1-11.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
47.Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M.Hotel employees' views on fairness, well‐being and collective representation in times of the coronavirus crisis: evidence from PolandINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, ISSN 0019-8692, e-ISSN 1468-2338, 2021, t. 52, nr 5, s. 458-475.IF 2020:
5 years IF:
2020 year
1.Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Mrzygłód U.Foreign listing pricing effects. The case of emerging economiesBank i Kredyt, ISSN 0137-5520, 2020,nr 51, s. 367-382 
2.Aziewicz D.Koncepcje reformy systemu nadzoru nad spółkami z udziałem Skarbu Państwa w PolsceGospodarka Narodowa, ISSN 0867-0005, e-ISSN 2300-5238, 2020, t.304, nr 4, s.135 - 157 
 3. Bedane S. Gemeda , Birhanu G. Abebe , Paczoski A. , Yi Xie , Cirella G.    What motivates speculators to speculate?Entropy, ISSN 1099-4300, 2020, t.2, s.1-17.IF:  2.494
5 years
IF: 2.53
4.Bednarz J, Orelly P.The importance of social media on the FMCG market in BangladeshInternational Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701 , 2020, nr 56 (3), s. 230- 242. 
5.Bieliński T., Dopierała Ł., Tarkowski M. , Ważna A.Lessons from implementing a metropolitan electric bike sharing systemEnergies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13., s.1-21IF: 2.707
6.Brodzicki T., Jurkiewicz T., Marques – Ramos Laura, Umiński S.Patterns and determinants of the horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade of regions: panel analysis for Spain & Poland Journal Applied Economics, Volume 52, 2020 - Issue 14 s. 1533-1552IF (2019):  1.103
7.Brzezicki Ł.The efficiency of public and private higher education institutions in PolandGospodarka Narodowa, ISSN 0867-0005, e-ISSN 2300-5238, 2020, t. 304, nr 4, s. 33- 51. 
8.Brzezicki Ł., Pietrzak P., Cieciora M.The total efficiency of teaching activity of Polish higher education institutionsFoundations of Management, ISSN 2080-7279, e-ISSN 2300-5661,2020, t.12, nr 1, s.19-30 
9.Charłampowicz J.,  Mańkowski C.Economic efficiency evaluation system of maritime container terminalsEkonomia i Prawo, ISSN 1898-2255, e-ISSN 2392-1625, 2020, t.19, nr 1, s.21 – 32. 
10.Czechowski P.O., Dąbrowiecki P. , Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A. , Bielawska M., Czermański E. , Owczarek T. , Rogula-Kopiec P., Badyda A.A preliminary attempt at the identification and financial estimation of the negative health effects of urban and industrial air pollution based on the agglomeration of GdańskSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12,  s. 1-27.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
11.Czermański E., Pawłowska B., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Cirella G.Decarbonization of maritime transport: analysis of external costsFrontiers in Energy Research, ISSN 2296-598X, e-ISSN 2296-598X, 2020, t.8, s.1-8.IF (2019):  2.746
12.Dopierała Ł. , Mosionek-Schweda M., Ilczuk D.Does the asset allocation policy affect the performance of climate-themed funds? Empirical evidence from the Scandinavian mutual funds marketSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12,  s. 1-23.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
13.Gemeda B.S.,  Abebe B.G, Cirella G.Urban land speculation: model developmentProperty Management, ISSN 0263-7472, e-ISSN 1758-731X, 2020, t. 38, nr 5, s. 613-626 
14.Jażdżewska-Gutta M. , Grottel M. , Wach D.AEO certification – necessity or privilege for supply chain participantsSupply Chain Management-An International Journal, [Supply Chain Management], ISSN 1359-8546, e-ISSN 1758-6852, 2020,  t.6, s. 679-691IF 2019- 2020 : 4.725
5 years
IF: 7.207
15.Kaliszewski A.,  Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski  J., Klimek H.Key factors of container port competitiveness: a global shipping lines perspectiveMarine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2020, s.1-10IF 2019-2020: 3.228
5 years
IF: 3.342
16.Kaliszewski A., Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H.Survey data on global shipping lines assessing factors of container port competitivenessData in Brief, ISSN 2352-3409, 2020, t.30, s.1-7 
17.Kempa J.,  Kozłowski R.Participatory budget as a tool supporting the development of civil society in PolandNISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, ISSN 1337-9038, e-ISSN 1338-4309,2020, t.13, nr 1, s. 61-79 
18.Koźlak A.The relationship between the concepts of sharing economy and smart cities: the case of shared mobility and smart transportInternational Journal of Sustainable Society, ISSN 1756-2538, e-ISSN 1756-2546 , t.12, nr  2, s. 152 – 184. 
19.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M.,  Bednarz J. , Wach D. ,  Kubik M. , Little J.Building aware and unaware consumers’ trust towards family business: Evidence from PolandEntrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, ISSN 2353-883X, e-ISSN 2353-8821, t.8, nr 3, s.135-154. 
20.Nowak S. , Mrzygłód U., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J.What do we know about dividend smoothing in this millennium? Evidence from Asian MarketsEmerging Markets Finance and Trade, ISSN 1540-496X, e-ISSN 1558-0938, 2020IF 2019-2020:
5 years
IF: 1.156
21.Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek  A., Czermański E., Cirella G.Sustainable supply chain of enterprises: value analysisSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12., s. 1-15.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
22.Poier S.Clean and Green – The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: Failure of Corporate Governance?Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 2020, 15(2), 33–39.   IF: 1,117 (2019);
5-year IF: 0,900 (2019)
23.Połom M., Tarkowski M., Puzdrakiewicz K., Dopierała Ł.Is it possible to develop electromobility in urban passenger shipping in post-communist countries? Evidence from Gdańsk, PolandEnergies, [ENERGIES], ISSN, 1996-1073, 2020, t.13, nr 23, s.1-24.IF: 2.707
24.Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Environmental sustainability in city logistics measuresEnergies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13, s.1-29.IF: 2.707
25Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Toward most valuable city logistics initiatives: crowd logistics solutions’ assessment modelCentral European Management Journal, 2020, t.28, nr 2, s. 38-56. 
26.Stępniak A., Stefaniak J., Zieliński M.Unia Europejska jako liczący się partner globalny. Prawda czy iluzja?Przegląd Zachodni, ISSN 0033-2437, e-ISSN, 2020, t.374, nr 1, s. 7 – 18. 
27.Szmelter-Jarosz A. , Rześny-Cieplińska J.Priorities of urban transport system stakeholders according to crowd logistics solutions in city areas. A sustainability perspectiveSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s.1-20.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
28.Szmelter-Jarosz A., Rześny-Cieplińska J., Jezierski A.Assessing resources management for sharing economy in urban logisticsResources, [Resources], ISSN 2079-9276, e-ISSN 2079-9276, 2020, t. 9, s. 1-30. 
29.Wołek M. , Szmelter-Jarosz A. , Koniak M., Golejewska A.Transformation of trolleybus transport in Poland. Does in-motion charging (technology) matter?Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s.1-25.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
30.Zaucha J., Matczak M., Witkowska J.,  Szczęch A., Mytlewski A.,  Pardus J.Maritime spatial rent for modelling maritime spatial developmentStudia Regionalne i Lokalne, ISSN 1509-4995, 2020, nr 1, s. 5 – 29. 
31.Zientara P., Anna Zamojska A., Cirella G.Participatory urban governance: multilevel studyPLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2020, t.15, s. 1-23.IF 2019-2020:
5 years
IF: 3.227
32.Zientara P., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P., Whitely C., Maciejewski G.A case study of LightStay (2010-2017) - Hilton’s corporate responsibility management systemEnergies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13. s. 1-21 IF: 2.707
2019 year
1.Abebe S. T., Dagnew A. B., Zeleke V. G., Eshetu G. Z., Cirella G.T.Willingness to pay for watershed managementResourses, t. 8 (2), ss.1-18. 
2.Bąk M.Central and Eastern European countries toward the Belt and Road Initiative: the role of 16+1 initiative,Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, nr online first, 2019 
3.Bąk M., Borkowski P.Young transport users' perception of ICT solutions changew: Social Sciences, vol. 8, nr 8, 2019, ss. 1-17, Numer artykułu:222, 
4.Bieliński T., Kwapisz A., Ważna A.Bike-sharing systems in PolandSustainability, vol. 11, nr 9, 2019, ss. 1-14, Numer artykułu:2458, DIF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
5.Bieliński T., Markiewicz M., Oziewicz E.Do Central and Eastern Europe countries play a role in the belt and road initiative? The case of Chinese OFDI into the CEE-16 countriesComparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 22, nr 2, 2019, ss. 7-22 
6.Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P., Zientara P.,
Bąk M.
Towards an accessible hotel: a case study of ScandicCurrent Issues in Tourism, vol. 22, nr 10, 2019, ss. 1133-1137IF 2019-2020:
5 years
IF: 4.818
7.Brodzicki T.The intensity of market competition and the innovative performance of firmsInnovation-Management Policy & Practice, vol. 21, nr 2, 2019, ss. 336-358IF 2019:
5 years
IF: 1.107
8.Brodzicki T.,  Golejewska A.Firms' innovation performance and the role of the metropolitan location. Evidence from the European peripheryEntrepreneurship and Regional Development, nr online first, 2019, ss. 1-1IF 2019-2020:
9.Calado H., PapaioannouE.A., Caña-Varona M., Onyango V., Zaucha J., Przedrzymirska J., Roberts T., Sangiuliano S.J., Vergílio M.Multi-uses in the Eastern Atlantic: Building bridges in maritime spaceOcean & Coastal Management, vol. 174, 2019, ss. 131-143IF 2019-2020:
10.Cirella G., Bąk M., Koźlak A., Pawłowska B., Borkowski P.Transport innovations for elderly peopleResearch in Transportation Business and Management, ISSN 2210-5395, e-ISSN 2210-5409, 2019, t.30, s.1-17IF 2019:
11.Cirella G.T., Iyalomhe F.O., Adekola P.O.Determinants of flooding and strategies for mitigation: Two-year case study of Benin cityGeosciences (Switzerland), vol. 9, nr 3, 2019, ss. 1-15IF 2019:
12.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L.Meta-study on relationship between macroeconomic and institutional environment and internal determinants of enterprises' capital structureEkonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, vol. 32, nr 1, 2019, ss. 2614-2637,IF 2018-2019:
13.Jaworski J., Czerwonka L., Mądra-Sawicka M.Determinants of capital structure: evidence from Polish food manufacturing industryGerman Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 68, nr 1, 2019, ss. 45-56IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 0.750
14.Kim M., Xie Y., Cirella G. T.,Sustainable transformative economy: community-based ecotourismSustainability, vol. 11, nr 18, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:4977IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
15.Klimek H., Michalska-Szajer A., Dąbrowski J.Corporate social responsibility of the Port of Gdańsk,Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, nr 59 (131), 2019, ss. 72-82 
16.Mańkowski C. , Weiland D., Abramović B.Impact of railway investment on regional development – case study of Pomeranian Metropolitan RailwayPromet-Traffic & Transportation, [Promet - Traffic - Traffico], ISSN 0353-5320, e-ISSN 1848-4069, 2019, t.31, s. 669-679IF 2019:
5 years
IF: 0.801
17.Matusiewicz M.Towards sustainable urban logistics: creating sustainable urban freight transport on the example of a Limited Accessibility Zone in GdanskSustainability, vol. 11, nr 14, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:3879IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
18.Matusiewicz M., Rolbiecki R., Foltyński M.The tendency of urban stakeholders to adopt sustainable logistics measures on the example of a Polish metropolisSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, t.11IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
19.Nazarczuk  J., Umiński S.Foreign trade in special economic zones in PolandMonografia, Wydawnictwo UWM, 2019, s.132 
20.Nazarczuk J., Umiński  S., Brodzicki T.Determinants of the spatial distribution of exporters in regions: the role of ownershipAnnals of Regional Science, ISSN 0570-1864, e-ISSN 1432-0592, 2019, s.1-28.IF 2019:
5 years
IF: 1.783
21.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Marjański A., Brack A.Company values - a case study of the family enterprise August Storck KGJournal of Intercultural Management, vol. 11, nr 1, 2019, ss. 5-22 
22.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J.Family enterprises in the context of consumer ethnocentrism and relationship-building,Problemy Zarządzania, vol. 17, nr 1 (81), 2019, ss. 77-92, 
23.Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J., Foreman J.R.Trends in young consumers' behaviour - implications for family enterprisesEconomics & Sociology, vol. 12, nr 3, 2019, ss. 11-24 
24.Okraszewska R., Jamroz K., Michalski L., Żukowska J., Grzelec K., Birr K.Analysing ways to achieve a New Urban Agenda-based sustainable metropolitan transportSustainability, vol. 11, nr 3, 2019, ss. 1-21IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
25.Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Czermański E.The evolution of the ship owner profile in global container shipping,Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, nr 58 (130), 2019, ss. 105-112, 
26.Pangsy-Kania  S., Sokół A.The climate conducive to creativity in the city and its impact on the development of creative sectorsStudies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, [Studies in Logics, Grammar and Rethoric], ISSN 0860-150X, 2019, t.59, s. 191- 210 
27.Paczoski A., Abebe S.T., Cirella G.T.Debt and deficit growth rate reporting for Post-Communist European Union Member StatesSocial Sciences, vol. 8, nr 6, 2019, ss. 1-17, Numer artykułu:173, 
28.Piwowarczyk J., Gee K., Gilek M., Hassler B., Luttmann A., Maack L., Matczak M., Morf A., Saunders F., Stalmokaitė I., Zaucha J.Insights into integration challenges in the Baltic Sea Region marine spatial planning: Implications for the HELCOM-VASAB principlesOcean & Coastal Management, vol. 175, 2019, ss. 98-109IF 2019-2020:
5 years
IF: 2.972
29.Prusak B., Morawska S.,  Kuczewska J., Banasik P.The role of stakeholders on rejection of bankruptcy applications in the case of "poverty" of the estate: A Polish case studyw:International Insolvency Review, vol. 28, nr 1, 2019, ss. 63-85IF 2019:
5 years
IF: 0.839
30.Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Assessment of the crowd logistics solutions - the stakeholders' analysis approachSustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2019, t.11, s. 1-26.IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
31.Suchanek M., Szmelter-Jarosz A.Environmental aspects of Generation Y’s sustainable mobilitySustainability, vol. 11, nr 11, 2019, ss. 1-13, Numer artykułu:3204IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
32.Szmelter-Jarosz A.Mobility choices of the Generation Y in PolandJournal of Economics and Management, vol. 36, nr 2, 2019, ss. 84-104 
33.Zaucha J., Bohme K.Measuring territorial cohesion is not a mission impossibleEuropean Planning Studies, nr online first, 2019, ss. 1-1IF 2019: 2.226
5 years
IF: 2.621
34.Zientara P., Zamojska A., Maciejewski G., Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M.Environmentalism and Polish coal mining: a multilevel studySustainability, vol. 11, nr 11, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:3086IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
2018 year
1.Bizon. W"Tell them it's easy": framing incentives in learning basic statistical problemsJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. - 2018, Vol. 76, s. 76-81IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 1.431
2.Blajer – Gołębiewska A., Wach D., Kos M.Financial risk information avoidanceEconomic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. - 2018, Vol. 31, no. 1, s. 521-536IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 2.167
3.Brodzicki T., Umiński S.A gravity panel data analysis of foreign trade by regions : the role of metropolises and historyRegional Studies. - 2018, Vol. 52, iss. 2, s. 261-273IF 2018-2019:
5 years
IF: 4.174
4.Ciołek D., Matczak M., Piwowarczyk J., Rakowski M., Szefler K., Zaucha J.The perspective of Polish fishermen on maritime spatial planningOcean & Coastal Management. - 2018, Vol. 166, s. 113-124IF 2018-2019:
5 years
IF: 2.972
5.Cirella G.T., Felix O. IyalomheFlooding conceptual review: sustainability-focalized best practices in NigeriaApplied Sciences-Basel. - 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 9, art. no. 1558, s. 1-14IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 2.458
6.Cirella G.T., Felix O. Iyalomhe, Jensen A., Oluwole O. AkiyodeExploring community of practice in Uganda's public sector: environmental impact assessment case studySustainability. - 2018, Vol. 10, iss. 7, art. no. 2502, s. 1-17IF: 2.576 (2019) ;
5 years
IF: 2.798
7.Czerwonka L.Zarządzanie finansami : wprowadzenie, przykłady i zadaniaMonografia/Abstrakt, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, MNiSW , 2018. 
8.Nazarczuk J., Umiński, S.The impact of Special Economic Zones on export behaviour. Evidence from Polish firm-level dataE & M Ekonomie a Management. - 2018, Vol. 21, iss. 3, s. 4-22IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 1.065
9.Okraszewska R., Romanowska A., Wołek M., Oskarbski J., Birr K., Jamroz K.Integration of a multilevel transport system model into sustainable urban mobility planningSustainability. - 2018, Vol. 10, iss. 2, art. no. 479, s. 1-20IF 2018:
10.Russo A., Cirella G.T.Modern compact cities: how much greenery do we need?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 2018, Vol. 15, iss. 10, art. no. 2180, s. 1-15IF: 2.849
5 years
IF: 3.127
11.Wojewódzka-Król K.,  Rolbiecki R.Infrastruktura transportu: Europa, Polska - teoria i praktykaWydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, MNiSW, 2018. 
12.Zaucha J.Methodology of maritime spatial planning in PolandJournal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. - 2018, 19, no. 2, s. 713-720IF: 0.692
5 years
IF: 0.657
13.Zientara P., Zamojska A.Green organizational climates and employee pro-environmental behaviour in the hotel industryJournal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2018, Vol. 26, iss. 7, s. 1142-1159IF 2018:
5 years
IF: 4.664
14.Zientara P., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P.Mechanisms and tools for measuring and reporting sustainability in the hotel industry: a practical dimensionLindgreen Adam, Vallaster Christine, Yousafzai Shumaila, Hirsch Bernhard (red.): Measuring and controlling sustainability: spanning theory and practice, 2018, Routledge, s.189 – 205. 
2017 year
1.Brodzicki T., Ciołek D., Śledziewska K.What really determines Polish exports? The semi-mixed effects gravity model for PolandArgumenta Oeconomica. - 2017, no 2 (39), s. 5-19IF : 0.288
5 years
IF: 0.395
2.Jacek Zaucha , Tomasz KomornickiThe place-based approach in development policy : a comparative analysis of Polish and EU spaceBachtler John, Berkowitz Peter, Hardy Sally, Muravska Tatjana (red.): EU cohesion policy: reassessing performance and direction, 2017, Routledge, s. 297-310 . 
3.Zaucha J.The territorial keys of policiesMedeiros Eduardo (red.): Uncovering the territorial dimension of European Union cohesion policy : cohesion, development, impact assessment, and cooperation, 2017, Routledge, s.23-43. 
4.Zientara P.Socioemotional wealth and corporate social responsibility : a critical analysisJournal of Business Ethics. - 2017, Vol. 144, iss. 1, s. 185-199IF: 4.141
5 years
IF: 5.453
2015 year
1.Bąk M., Borkowski P.Applicability of ICT solutions in passenger transport - case studies from different European backgroundsTransport. - 2015, Vol. 30, iss. 3, s. 372-381IF: 1.533
2.Zientara P., Kujawski L., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P.Corporate social responsibility and employee attitudes : evidence from a study of Polish hotel employeesJournal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2015, Vol. 23, iss. 6, s. 859-880IF: 3.52
2014 year
1.Jażdżewska-Gutta M.Dealing with supply chain security : case of Poland in a global perspectiveInternational Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. - 2014, Vol. 6, no. 3, s. 356-367IF: 1.52
2.Zaucha J., Komornicki T., Böhme K., Świątek D., Żuber P.Territorial keys for bringing closer the Territorial Agenda of the EU and Europe 2020European Planning Studies. - 2014, Vol. 22, no. 2, s. 246-267IF: 1.76
2013 year
1.Babula E., Korpysa J.Reflection effect in stochastic specification (Strong, CPT) of pairwise choice under riskEconomic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. - 2013, Vol. 47, no. 1, s. 219-233IF: 0.481
2.Ciżkowicz P., Rzońca A., Umiński  S.The determinants of regional exports in Poland - a panel data analysisPost-Communist Economies. - 2013, Vol. 25, iss. 2, s. 206-224IF: 0.770
3.Kamińska T., Babula E.Quality of life as a mirror of welfare. International comparisonsTransformations in Business & Economics. - 2013, Vol. 12, no. 2B, s. 342-353IF: 0.320
2012 year
1.Kamińska T., Czerwonka L.Evolution of enterprises' size regarding employment in the European Union countriesTransformations in Business & Economics. - 2012, Vol. 11, no. 2A, s. 451-464IF: 0.394
2.Varma A., Grodzicki J., Pichler S., Kupferer S., Ramaswami  A.Expatriate categorisation and evaluation : an empirical investigation in Poland and IndiaEuropean Journal of International Management. - 2012, Vol. 6, iss. 1, s. 63-82IF: 1.750
3.Zaucha J.Offshore spatial information - maritime spatial planning in PolandRegional Studies. - 2012, Vol. 46, iss. 4, s. 459-473IF: 2.691
2011 year
1.Bohdanowicz P., Zientara P., Novotna E.International hotel chains and environmental protection : an analysis of Hilton's we care! programme (Europe, 2006-2008)Journal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2011, Vol. 19, no. 7, s. 797-816IF: 3.478
2.Kamińska T., Babula E., Brycz M.What about efficiency and equity dilemma in Poland's economy?Transformations in Business & Economics. - 2011, Vol. 10, no. 2A, s. 430-439IF: 1.148
3.Zientara P.When environmental protection collides with economic development : scalar interpretation of conflicts in Polish localitiesEastern European Economics. - 2011, Vol. 49, no. 2, s. 64-81IF: 0.429
2009 year
1.Kamińska T.The ICT usage as an attribute of the knowledge-based economy - Poland's caseTransformations in Business & Economics. 2009, Vol. 8, no. 3 (18), suppl. B., s. 166-183IF: 1.913