Dear Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Getting an academic degree is a special moment for all Graduates. The Graduation Ceremony is a unique event where you will have the chance to see your Professors and Colleagues again, wearing gowns and academic caps.
I hope this will be a nice memento associated with your studies time. This moment ends one of the most wonderful times in your life, the time of acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies as well as making lifelong friendships.
We hope it will be your foundation and source of life-long support. We would like you to return to the Faculty of Economics both in your memories and in the future as practitioners, cooperating and sharing their experiences with the younger generation.
Dr hab. Monika Bšk, prof. UG
Dean of the Faculty of Economics
Place and time of the Gradution Ceremony
The Graduation Ceremony will take place on November 17th, 2023 at 6.00 p.m. in Tadeusz Ocioszyński Auditorium (Aula "O") at the Faculty of Economics in Sopot.
Graduation Ceremony Program
16.00-17.50 Arrival of the Graduates, purchase of a cap and hiring of an academic gown
18.00 Official opening and welcoming guests
Speech by the University of Gdansk and the Faculty of Economics authorities
Distinction of the Best of the Year and Best of Specialisation Graduates
Speech of the Employer’s Representatives
Awards for the Graduates for their outstanding activities for the benefit of the academic community
Speech of the Graduates’ Representatives
Presenting diplomas to Graduates
Joint photo of the Graduates
Auditorium “O” will be divided into specially marked sectors. Please take places according to the marking.
Formalities in the Dean's office
The participation in the Graduation Ceremony is limited to Graduates who:
For details please contact your Dean's Office.
Purchase of caps and hiring of gowns
All Graduates who have registered until 06.11.2023 and have declared their willingness to participate in the Graduation Ceremony will have the opportunity to buy an academic cap and hire a gown according to the procedures described in the information sent to registered graduates.
Organizational information regarding Graduate Gala: