Take part in Karierosfera 2015 and start your dream career! You have until March 9th!
Karierosfera makes it possible to contact students from across the country with the most promising employers operating on the Polish market. Participation in the project can refer to the requirements that reputable company pose to potential employees, and the winners selected in the competition gives you the chance of a paid internship, which may be the first step towards your dream career.
This year, students can test their knowledge of the Audit, Taxation, Corporate Finance, Sales Management and Law - Domains competition developed with substantial support from the Patrons - EY firm, Deloitte, PwC, PZU and Olesiński & Partners Law Firm.
Go to www.karierosfera.pl/trojmiasto and to 9 March fill on-line test. For a solution of 10 closed for which you have exactly 10 minutes.
If you reach a certain threshold point, you will take part in a patron of your domains by a written test, with 50 closed questions. This stage of the competition will be held simultaneously in 13 major Polish cities already on 17 March.
March 27 at the University of Economics in Wroclaw will be crowned with a final gala attended by representatives of companies cooperating with the Competition. The day before the final task - prepared by the Patron case study - will top 10 players in each field.
Winners of 2015 Karierosfery gain the opportunity of a paid internship and start your dream career under the guidance of experts from companies Patrons.
You too can be among the winners! Today www.karierosfera.pl/trojmiasto fill test and use your boost to Career!
Competition is organized by the Student Association WIGGOR from Wroclaw.
The project falls under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
Strategic Partner of the fourteenth edition of the competition is the company PZU.
The Tri-City project is implemented thanks to the commitment of the Scientific Society of Public Relations.