PhD thesis defense of MSc Łukasz Cywiński
Posted on 2023-11-30
On November 9th, 2023 public PhD thesis defense of MSc Łukasz Cywiński took place.
The title of PhD thesis:
"External effects of Foreign Direct Investments. The role of state policy in attracting foreign investments that generate them".
PhD thesis supervisors were:
- Professor Elżbieta Wojnicka-Sycz
- Dorota Ciołek, Associate Professor
- Professor Marta Gancarczyk (Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
- Mieczysław Kowerski, Associate Professor (Academy of Zamość)
- Piotr Wójcik, Associate Professor (University of Warsaw).
The Commission adopted the defense of doctoral dissertation.
On November 30th, 2023 the Scientific Council of Economics and Finance of the University of Gdańsk adopted resolution on the award of the degree of doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance.
Congratulations! We wish you further success in scientific work!