On April 18, 2024, the finals of the 27th edition of the Master's Thesis Competition and the 20th edition of the Bachelor's Thesis Competition for the year 2023 took place, awarded by the Polish Economic Society, Gdańsk Branch.
We are pleased to announce that the students of the Faculty of Economics have won the following awards and distinctions:
Main Prize in the 27th Edition of the Master's Thesis Competition:
Mr. Wojciech Kamiński, MSc - for his thesis on "The Economic Aspect of Energy Transformation in Poland with Special Consideration of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Context of International Solutions," supervised by Dr. Łukasz Dopierała (Department of International Business, Division of International Financial Markets).
Main Prize in the 20th Edition of the Bachelor's Thesis Competition:
Ms. Julia Recław - for her thesis on "Logistic Functions of 'Mixed Use' on the Example of the Garnizon in Gdańsk," supervised by Dr. Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz (Department of Logistics).
Distinctions in the 20th Edition of the Bachelor's Thesis Competition:
Mr. Przemysław Sadowski - for his thesis on "Armed Conflicts with Particular Consideration of Their Impact on the Functioning of the Capital Market in the Conflict-Affected Countries," supervised by Dr. Sławomir Antkiewicz (Department of International Business, Division of International Financial Markets).
Ms. Wanessa Szuplewska - for her thesis on "The Impact of Micromobility Development on the Implementation of Sustainable Urban Development Goals," supervised by Dr. Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz (Department of Logistics).
The award ceremony took place in the presence of the competition laureates, their thesis supervisors, representatives of the patrons and partners of the competitions, as well as members of the Board, Scientific Council, and Competition Chapter of the PTE Gdańsk Branch. A full report of the ceremony is available on the PTE website.