TranSopot 2016 Conference – “Transport Development Challenges in the XXI Century” will be held in Sopot, Poland on 23-25.05.2016 and will be focused on the field of transport sector development. Specifically, the aim is to explore sustainable development, examine current problems ranging from transport systems to transport enterprises and provide a variety of analytical methods.
The four most important fields of current transport research are sustainable transport development, innovation and technological progress, the conditions of transport enterprise growth and survival and the issues of financing transport activity with European Union funds. Transport is an activity which is supposed to be sustainable, environmentally aware, economically optimal, socially sound and politically responsible. Striving for innovation in transport means looking for organizational and technical solutions which increase the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of transportation. However, the main research issue in the field are strategies for sustainable transport developments in urban and rural areas, instruments of internalization of external transport costs, promotion of environmentally-friendly transport behavior and improvement of transport energy efficiency. Transport infrastructure innovation, intelligent transport systems, innovations in management and finance are some of the main concerns of researchers and policy-makers in the field. Transport enterprises need to adapt to the conditions of the new economic growth perspectives. They need to create unique growth conditions, otherwise they will condemn themselves to struggle for survival. In particular, transport enterprises have to create special functioning systems and programs to diversify economic activity to use funds in the most efficient ways possible.
Researchers who are willing to explore these problems are given the opportunity to take part in the conference by participating in it and/or submitting an article which will be published either in the Research Journal of the University of Gdansk. Transport Economics and Logistics or in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (articles in English only).
The conference fee is 1 100 PLN and in includes both the participation in the conference and the article. The fee for the publication of article alone is 600 PLN. All articles have to be submitted by 01.03.2016. Any additional information can be found on the conference website: