Tutor of International Finance and Banking specialization
Tutor of The Scientific Student Club of International Finance
Member of Editorial Committee of the Student Journal of the Faculty of Economics "Our Studies"
From 2019 - assistant professor at the Department of International Business
2010 - 2019 - assistant professor at the Institute of International Business
2010 - PhD in economics, dissertation "The role of mergers and acquisitions in the transformation of the banking sector in European countries of economic transformation" defended with distinction at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Danuta Marciniak - Neider
2003 - 2010 assistant at the Institute of International Business
Academic activity:
Vice-Dean for Development and Cooperation with the Social and Economic Environment (2021-2024)
Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Development (2020-2021)
Vice-Dean for Development and Business Cooperation (2016-2020)
Member of the Senate Committee on Organization and Development (2020-2024)
Supervisor of the specialization International Finance and Banking
Tutor of the Students’ Scientific Circle of International Finance
Member of the Editorial Committee of Student Journals of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk "Our Studies", http://www.knfm.org/naszestudia/
Member of the Polish Economic Society (since 2005)
Reviewer in the National Competition of Works for the best diploma thesis in the field of MSG
Departmental coordinator of the project "ProUG - Program for the development of the University of Gdańsk" (NCBiR)
Member of the project team "Science Clubs - known and unknown faces of science" (Ministry of Science and Higher Education)
Member of the project team "Universities to schools - about finance from NBP" (NBP)
Project manager "Innovative didactics - development of competences of lecturers of the Faculty of Economics" (NCBiR)
Coordinator of the project "Open Economic Lectures" (WE UG)
Coordinator of the Baltic Science Festival and the Baltic Economic Festival at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk
Representative of lecturers and assistants at the Council of the Institute of Foreign Trade (2008-2012, 2012-2016)
Coordinator of inter-university exchange with the University of Applied Science in Bremen in 2004-2012
Prizes and awards:
Individual award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree for didactic and organisational achievements and contribution into the development of University of Gdansk (2023)
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree for didactic and organisational achievements in popularisation of economic education (2021)
Distinction by the Committee for granting the "Teacher of the Year" award in the name of Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz (2020)
Individual award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree for organizational achievements for the University of Gdańsk (2019)
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree (2016) for the book "International Finance. Selected Problems", ed. M. Markiewicz, U. Mrzygłód, PWE, Warsaw 2015
Silver Badge of Honor PTE (2015)
Medal of the National Education Commission (2014)
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree (2014) for the monograph "Effectiveness of innovative teaching tools in the process of shaping entrepreneurial attitudes"
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree (2012) for the textbook "International Accounts", edited by D. Marciniak-Neider, PWE, Warsaw 2011
Individual award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk (2011) for the doctoral dissertation
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk (2008) for organizing the first Thomson Reuters Data Suite studio in Central and Eastern Europe at the Faculty of Economics
Team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, 1st degree (2007) for the textbook "Finance, banking and financial markets", ed. E. Pietrzak, M. Markiewicz, Wydawnictwo UG, Sopot 2006
currency internationalization
financial markets,
academic and business social responsibility,
currency and financial crises,
mergers and acquisitions,
corporate financing,
venture capital and private equity, crowdfunding
financial centers in the world, currency areas.