Dear All,
because of the situation, we will make our lectures remotely.
Please, see attached files and read the given below articles and case studies.
Remember about the password for the materials.
Meeting No. 1 (17/02/2020): Presentation Organisational Behaviour 1&2
Meeting No. 2 (02/03/2020): Presentation Organisational Behaviour 3&4, Case Study Stress Management Programme
Meeting No. 3 (16/03/2020): Articles:
How Disconfirming Feedback Shapes Social Networks,
OB family business case study,
Management of change in organisational behaviour.
Meeting No. 4 (30/03/2020): Articles:
1. Malaysia’s Commercial Banking Industry OB Case Study
2. Authority versus Persuasion
Please, wonder, what’s a manager’ role in:
- shaping a positive image of a company in employees eyes,
- making employees higd motivated.
Write main conclusions from the employee’s point of view. Do you have any experiences from the place you work in?
If you want, you can send me your answers:
Meeting No. 5 (27/04/2020):
1. Job Satisfaction
2. Job Satisfaction - Review Questions
Please, read the materials and try to answer the questions: both true or false questions and a short essay question (about 1-2 A4 pages).
The answers you can send to me:
Meeting No. 6 (11.05.2020):
important: because of the remotely working and the COVID-19 virus, our OB syllabus has changed - despite the written exam all students are asked to prepare an essay for one of subjects:
1. Explain the job satisfaction-job performance relationship.
2. Describe how economic insecurity erodes workers’ commitment and involvement.
3. Describe the relationship between organisational productivity and employee needs.
4. Explain the job satisfaction-job performance relationship.
5. Which of the socially acquired needs do you consider to be of the highest value?
6. Quality is a design characteristic that becomes the responsibility of all employees and managers.
An essay should be prepared by yourselves, without any parts of copied books, journals or web sites. You are asked to prepare that material on the basis of your own thoughts, experiences and observations.
Please write the about 1 000 words text.
I will wait for your materials tll the 25th of May 2020 and then I will give you the information about your grades till the 1st of June 2020.
My email is:
Materials for today, 11/05/2020:
Article 1: Gender gap in a self - promotion.
What do you think about the given in the article thesis? What do you think about the self-promotion of women and men? Do you see any differencies? Are there any similarities?
Your opinion and the grounds for it you can write to me:
Article 2: When to apply?
What is your wilingness to change your labour position now? On what factors does it depend on? What matters for your application decisions? How, in your opinion, can companies lead their employer branding activities in current COVID-19 situation? Should they change something or not?
You can send me your observations for an email: